A term used by people of above average weight, to dismiss and discredit anyone or anything that they feel, inconveniences their lives.
"If you workout with the expressed intention of losing weight, then you're Fatphobic."
by Red Rider December 31, 2022
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An excuse for fat people to say if someone says something about their weight and if someone doesn't date them. It is mostly used by fat people who want to make themselves feel better. It is almost never used by fat men though
Brother of fat person: Hey let's go to the gym we have to exercise to become healthy.
Fat person: No bEiNg FaT iS hEaLtHy. YoUr BeInG fAtPhObIc FoR nOt LeTtInG mE bE fAt
Brother of fat person: STFU but hey at least you'll die sooner so I don't have to hear your bs anymore
by The Imperial Manspreader March 27, 2022
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A god-forsaken "word" some obese people use to cover up their unhealthy lifestyle so they wont have to endure going through a diet.
Guy: Dude, when will you start a diet man?

by imp fuck2 April 8, 2022
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A dumb word made-up by over weight dumbasses. Either they are Gen Z or just fat. Also some of them are gay.
Person: HAHA you're over weight.
Fat ass Gen Z feminist that would do anything to get attention: You're fatphobic I will be doxxing you now.
by adadadadaadadada March 2, 2022
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The word doesn't exist you idiot. GO JIMMM!!!!
Fat Person : You are a misogynist and you are fatphobic!
Person 2: I don't care you twat, go JIMMMMM!
by July 23, 2022
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The word means to be scared of fat people but society changed into having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against Fat people, which sounds stupid, and what are you supposed to do after having trouble with life for being fat, then what from there?
Word phobic meaning:
Person 1: If you are scared of fat people that means you are 'fatphobic'
P2: Well I am Fatphobic then :D

Society meaning:
P1: I fucking hate fat people and I don't care that they are fat, they look ugly
P2: OMG! You are Fatphobic, I am posting this to twitter!
by Kaizu圭図愈 June 10, 2022
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A term used to describe the discrimination of fat people by their skinny peers. Also can be used to describe the inequalities that fat people face in everyday life.
“ This store is so fatphobic, the plus size section is made for older people. Not all fat people want to dress like a grandma! “
by Fattygal August 5, 2022
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