The moment when a Video game boss fight doesnt line up with the lore presented about them in the game for example said boss being said to have powers they do not possess when you fight them. Name derives from the monster Fatalis (Fay-tah-liss) from the video game series monster hunter which lorewise is described as the god of monsters, able to destroy entire kingdoms in a matter of hours while in reality being a bland generic fight that doesnt communicate the pieces of lore well. This description can also be used to describe a bbeg from a tabletop role playing game like dungeons and dragons that exhibits similar characteristics.
me- "The DM is really fatalising with the latest bbeg hes not even using the characters necromancy"
friend: "yeah I noticed that"

me- "I wish game developers would stop fatalising and give us boss fights that lived up to the lore"
by zombie prepper July 18, 2020
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To beat the shit out of someone so much that you literally think you're a character in Mortal Kombat. A word so terrifying that even the strongest of the strong piss their pants.
"Bro, im pretty sure she knows I want to fatalisize him. She wouldnt give me directions to his house"

"Oh shit man! He just fatalisized the FUCK outta that dude"
by CodyPierce2476 January 23, 2010
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