1. This hideously misspelled derivation of 'faggot' is primarily used by uneducated rednecks who fail to see the irony of calling someone a derogatory name but having no idea how to say the word.

2. Used by closet homosexuals in an attempt to smooth out the word 'faggot' and give it a softer french/italian/spanish sound, with a rolled G similar to the J in french, and a silent T.
1. "Hey Chet!! Lookee that thar faget over there! Now get that cow ready for a bangin'!"

2. "Let's round up the crew, get some lattes and head out to the faget bar, where we can score -- I mean, I'm not gay and have no idea what faget means!"
by garan garan February 7, 2007
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when something stupid or gay happens and
if you dont like something
person 1: hey dont forget we got homework tonight
person 2: For real bruh thats fagetism
by xXCookieMonsterXx August 14, 2009
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Word used by people that don't know how to spell faggot.
"faget means a bundle of sticks you moron"
"that's cuz it's spelled faggot"
by Anonymous June 8, 2003
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Comedian best known for starring in the early 90's sitcom "Full House", as well as, "America's Funniest Home Videos". Commonly misspelled "Bob Saget".
Bob Faget is currently hosting a game show called 1 vs 100.
by Reem-O May 14, 2007
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Derived from BOB SAGET, actor commonly known as the star of the show FULL-HOUSE and former host of America's Funniest Home Videos. Also does stand-up comedy

This is 1 variation of his name spelled insultingly
LOL: o hai, i saw BOB SAGET on standup, wasn't too bad.
by ZOMBEHEHE September 21, 2009
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A term that is said to someone who is not only a homosexual but who also cannot be considered a man. Typically this term is used when confronting a said "faget boy". A faget boy is usually a clownlike figure who lives at home,participates in frequent masterbation and plays role-playing games, online or otherwise.
Person: Hey Faget boy give me your lunch money!
Faget Boy: ......
Person:Hahaha your such a faget boy.
by jriver15 May 23, 2008
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Term used when everything goes absolutely wrong, and you want to turn to the person next to you and cut their fucking face off with a dull knife, but due laws against murder, and the lack of carrying a dull knife, you opt to yell "Faget Fuck."
"What the faget fuck rapeshit! Why did you download all those shit eating videos on the internet?!"
by Pize & Stive October 14, 2004
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