A facebook mom is usually a single middle aged parent that posts their whole life on facebook and talks to other single moms on facebook about their kids personal lives. Also a big believer in commenting on every post.
“My mom is such a Facebook Mom”
Ex: of what they comment⬇️
“LOL so funny 😆”

“Lovely photo of the kiddos 😉 Are you coming to the 🍷🍷🍷 mixer on Tuesday? #girlsnight #momlife #pta
“aw my little emma got her period!!!! only 13! they grow up so fast!! ❤💖#momlife”
by ilikemen:) April 11, 2021
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A "mother" who posts facebook statuses to make herself look like mother of the year but does jack squat for her children.
That facebook mom ain't shit; always on her phone havin ass, givin her kids dry cereal for breakfast havin ass, usin child support for nails n makeup havin ass, always givin the kids away havin ass.
by 1T2C09KN1 July 15, 2016
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A mother who doesn't do shit for her kids but will post on her kids Facebook wall like she's parent of the year.

She never picks her kids up on her court appointed days, doesn't pay child support, can't throw down $20 for her kids sports yet:
Kid Facebook: Ugh I'm so sick, when will I get better?

Facebook Mom: Whatever you need I can be there within the hour.
by th3g1rln3xtd00r April 9, 2011
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A parent that frequently neglects their duties as a mother and instead, updates their status on facebook constantly throughout the day
Ernie: Hey man, I was on facebook today and the only thing that came up on my news feed was updates from Sarah talking about how lonely she is and all the laundry she has to do

Wyatt: Dude she's such a Facebook Mom

Ernie: What's that?

Wyatt: Look it up on urbandictionary.com
by themaskedavengerrr February 26, 2010
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a female, usually single teenage parent who spends all her time on facebook wether it be on the computer or mobile phone leaving the kid to sit drink bleach or whatever, while still in a nappy that was put on god knows when. as they find being a parent isn't all it's cracked upto be.
"i went to _______ house last night and the baby was sat there in it's chair covered in yesterdays dinner with a shitty nappy while all she did was sit on facebook"

"yeah i know she's a right facebook mom that one"
by MosiahB June 6, 2009
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The mom who acts like her family is perfect on Facebook. She post photos of her kids like they are the best, and talk highly of them. Acts like her family is better than everyone else's. After posting the photos of a "perfect" family on Facebook, they all start to fight.
"Hannah is such a facebook mom."
"She always post stuff on facebook about how her family is the best, when really they are the worst, and argue all the time."
by Facebook mom August 15, 2019
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A term used by people to explain a mother on facebook who usually takes cringey pictures
by Chickenmama888 February 14, 2020
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