A shotty student hotel in Paris, France located across the street from a mental institution. The hotel is so shitty that the word fiap is begining to replace the word shit itself.

There have been songs written to document the conditions at the fiap hotel:

"FIAP, what a lovely place,
fiap, disgusting dinners on your plate
fiap, the boys are irish,
we will never return again

FIAP, there's blood stains on your towel,
fiap, it smells really fowl,
fiap, the sheets are crusty,
we will never return again"

by C Dacre March 26, 2008
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fiap is a program that most canadian schools have that assists mentally retarded students, but the term is used upon a person who is acting under similar conditions (mentally or physically)

pronounced: (f- i -app)
teacher: that is 4x4?
leo: 64
kelsey: leo you are such a fiap, it’s 16
by allen reager April 20, 2020
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