1. a smell of perspiration that rises from one’s feet

2. the odorous smell of Zach after he has not taken a shower for a given period of time. Feepew is a derivitive of feegas.
Farren released feegas from his sweaty body.
by bread infection December 5, 2009
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the word feegas is a real fee
by woo woo December 30, 2005
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Milanese slang expression which is used to say "Hi dude". Most likely used by Milanesi Imbruttiti.
"We socio" - "Hey partner"
"WE FEEGA!" - "Hey dude!"
by ezioverlatti January 14, 2018
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When your Italian friend wants that pussy clapping on his dick. pussy booty
by Jonny_Sosa April 29, 2019
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