An expression used to say when you're enemies had covered they're roofs with grass to hide themselves from enemy bombers in the year 868 AD
Vïking 1 - Alrïght läds, if we fly över here and over the clöuds we cän have a clëar view and bömb our enemiës in the skies!
Viking 2 - They dön't evën know whät hit em!

Viking 3 - Sir, I Acqüire your sincëre attention.
Viking 1 - Ök. . We're listëning.
Viking 3 - Wë've got intel. The enemiës they've cövered they're röofs with grass so that wë could nöt find them.

Viking 2 - . . .
Viking 1 - För Föck's Säke!
by GreatShark March 10, 2021
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