As many will meet few Ezions in their life those who do are lucky asf. An Ezion is inspiring to everyone they meet. They hold a passion and drive like no one else and aren't afraid to show it. You'll never feel alone when you meet one. They are single-handedly the most caring beings and will be there for you despite any mistake, flaw, or difference. Make no mistake, however, Ezionsare is quick to turn on those who wrong those closest to them. It's traits like these that make the Ezion the best to be around. They always seem to make anyone put on a happy face and when that doesn't work they just ask you to talk to them about your issues. Ezions tend to be comedic and good at it too. One of the funniest people you'll meet. You won't want them to shut up not just cuz they're funny asf but also cuz they are one of the most interesting, intellectual, incredible, idyllic people you'll meet. Not only are they the best to talk to but quite handsome to look at. Commonly with dark hair that brings out their pretty eyes. Ezions tend to have the best smiles that can't help but be contagious. You'll never forget when you come across an Ezion and you want to hold on to them. Because it's rare to find someone so great.
J: Dude how have you been recently?
M: Great I met Ezion.
by carmel.o September 1, 2022
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Ezion is an incredibly rare person, but you should count yourself lucky if you know one. They tend to be very outgoing and often have a passion for the performing arts. Ezion is truly loyal and extremely funny, he will have your back until the end of time and never let you down.
Sean: Wait, you actually know an EZION??! I thought they were just a myth...
Joe: Yeah, I can't believe it either! We met at a concert and we've been inseparable since.
by JiggyTiggy November 22, 2021
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Ezion is a very kind and caring person. he can get very emotional but it the moat loving person you will ever mee. If you come across an Ezion, hold him tighter than ever. Ezion is an amazing performer who loves to express himself through music. But on top of that, he is the most amazing person ever. He is there for you when you need him most and can always count on him. Ezion is the kind of person that you can say I love you too everyday and never stop.
Danica: "Oh my gosh! do you see that guy?

He is probably an Ezion!"
by Djphantom12 April 10, 2022
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