The feeling of looking at way too many attractive people, or eye candy.
I went to Miami during spring break- and holy shit, the amount of eye candy gave me eyeabetes.
by zwiebelsaft August 24, 2009
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Eye•a•be•tes ahy-uh-bee-tis, -teez
Obtaining the disorder known as diabetes solely from viewing pictures of food; usually sweets.
Dan told Sami if she continues posting pictures of her desserts, she is going to give him eyeabetes!
by 525westfirst March 15, 2016
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a disease which is onset by looking at unhealthy food, commonly known as diabetes of the eye. The disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood.
Person 1: HEY check out this fruity pebble cheesecake tacos
Person 2: OH SHIT now I have eyeabetes, fuck you :(
by bbqdawg May 19, 2022
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