Erinizzle, otherwise known as Erin or beautiful soul, is one of the absolute most amazing girls in the world. Even her flaws are more beautiful than any other girl's perfections. She has the body of a goddess, the brain of a genius, the face of an angel, and the heart of a blue whale because, as we all know, the blue whale has the biggest heart on this earth. Erin is independent, and doesn't need a boy to be happy - especially since no guy could ever deserve her. She has super powers no other human could possibly fathom; She is more powerful than Chuck Norris. One of her many talents is the ability to make anyone laugh or smile. Erin can be described as almost any positive adjective. Not only is Erin beautiful, she is caring and giving to people who are less fortunate than her. If you're lucky enough to find an Erinizzle, you better never let go.

Erin also has a best friend named Noey who you will have to deal with if you ever make Erinizzle upset. Do NOT make Erinizzle upset.
Hey, you know Erinizzle right?
by Noey Telemnar March 29, 2010
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Erinizzle; extraordinary. beautiful. loving. powerful. caring. gorgeous soul.
everything you need to get through the day. one of the reasons I'm still alive. an amazing friend. someone who works to do what's best. a very strong person. fun. unique. exiting. someone who everyone loves and wants to know. a God loving girl. and someone Jesus died for and loves so much.
and someone I love and can't live without.
Erinizzle is someone ever single person should know. if you don't know an Erinizzle, you're missing so much. we all love that Erinizzle girl.
anyone who knows her would do anything for her protection. she is so strong, even though she doesn't know it. but she can do anything because she has a lot of people there to support her.
I love that girl more than anyone should love anyone else.
If you meet an Erinizzle, count you're blessings. Because with an Erinizzle in you're life, you're life is very much worth living. Erinizzle's can help you get through things.
and they have the most beautiful soul's.

many people don't even know an Erinizzle.
but those people live sad lives.
Erinizzle is perfect in God's eyes, and that's what matters.

I hope everyone is lucky enough to meet an Erinizzle.
Erinizzle is a big part of the reason I live.
I'm not sure if she loves me as much as she loves other people, but I love Erinizzle with my life.
by Didi Lee January 5, 2011
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