In the aftermath of a party, or other social event, the remnants of all of the opened beers (all different kinds) that were left lying around are poured into a gallon jug in case of a beer emergency.
Don't forget to add to the emergency beer before getting rid of those containers.
by Urban Defender May 15, 2019
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The condition in which no more beer is present for consumption.
Dude, we've got a fucking beer emergency, go collect some money from people. We need to go on a beer run immediately.
by mstrOfDisaster July 7, 2006
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n. (bEER uh-mEr-jen-Cy) nicknamed emergency for the sole purpose of stealing your friends away from home to drink an 18-pack (or any large amount of beer) in thiry minutes. Then following this you return back to your previous activity.
"Yo bro we have a beer emergency and we need you immediately."
by Benny D November 8, 2005
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