A master tradesman and/or explorer. Used to define someone of great importance.
Many people consider him to be an eloi
by Eloi :) July 21, 2004
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A great magician who is also a good actor.
Eloi der Babo
by Malalte November 2, 2018
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Human descendants forn the book THE TIME MACHINE. Eloi are retarded, weak, androgynous homos who get get their asses kicked by MORLOCKS, another human descendant.
Eloi are what H.G. Wells thinks humans will degenerate into.
by Conservative21 May 12, 2010
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An amazing guy.If you find an Eloy he's a very caring person.Don't take him for granted.He acts a little weird but that's something cute about him.He'll be ypur best friend and your boyfriend.
I wish I had someone like Eloy.
by Kimberly.Moonlight October 25, 2018
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Eloy is one of the most sweetest people you could ever meet. He will treat you with respect and will help you through your problems while struggling with his own. If you find an Eloy never let him out of your life because I promise he will change your life. Not only are they loving and caring they will treat you like a queen and will do anything in there power to keep you safe and protect you. You will fall in love with everything his sense of humor, kindness, love, just everything about him is perfect in the eyes of a girl. Overall eloy is an amazing guy that you don’t find very often but when you do, never give up on him. Trust me.
me: I don’t know what i would do without you in my life eloy, you mean the world to me.

eloy: I’m so glad i can make you happy. I’m going to do everything in my power to protect you.
by livg11/24/19 December 1, 2019
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A boy who is cool and MLG prankes people. He is a ladies man
by penguin3510000000 April 6, 2017
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Eloy is the baddest bitch of them all. he gets in so many fights and when he gets in fights he beat they asses until they knock tf out period.😛
by just be yourself September 17, 2019
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