An incredibly awesome, smart and talented person. Also a great singer and a great dude in general!

P.S. He's super sexy... :P
Eliran goes to PEA, he's such a bro!
by RAWRIAMATREX June 16, 2013
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A sexy, smart, caring guy that everyone would love to have around. P.S. he's also great to date.
Wow Eliran is just so perfect
by urbandictionarysdof May 2, 2021
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An incredibly awesome, smart and talented person. Also a great singer and a great dude in general, Don't mess up with Eliran, He can get crazy easily and he will beat you up hard!

P.S. He's super sexy and he has a big penis... :P
P.S2. He'll be the best player in any video game he plays.
Eliran is a legend, in a 1vs1 or gang either you have no chances to beat him up.
by papaAxe July 26, 2018
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boy who resembles a monkey.
Eliran likes to climb trees and eat bananas. He is such a badass.
by enjoiithisshit October 16, 2008
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Badass dude. Kind of like a monkey but in a hot way. Talks in weird metaphors that nobody understands because he’s secretly smarter than everyone else. Very woke and knows how to turn anti-capitalist ideology into great party conversation. Don’t stab him in the back, karma will come for you.
Person 1: yo that dude is so woke but in a cool way
Person 2: yeah that’s Eliran for you
Person 1: cool
by hummusandeggs November 20, 2021
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An Eliran move is a situation where some kid, whose name is probably Eliran, says something stupid out of context. When he is asked why he has said that, he replies with the phrase: "I dunno".
Teacher: So the Pythagorean theorem says that the sum of the squares on the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square on the hypotenuse.
Eliran: But... what if it was cubed???
Teacher: Why would it be?
Eliran: I dunno.
Everyone: The Eliran Move!
by MILFSlayer420 November 21, 2021
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