Scribe Elder Ho-tan is one of the Elders from the show Yonderland.

She is played by Larry Rickard and is canonically transgender. She is often seen being uncomfortable with Elder Flowers referring to the Elders as being all the same. She also wished to have a cis female body when given the chance.

Her younger (the Elder's children that are just them but children) is ftm transgender which is confirmed to be a nod to Ho-tan herself being mtf trans.

She is the one with long brown hair and plaits on one side. She is most common shiped with wise Elder Vex. She deserves the world.
Person 1: Hey, which of the Elders is your favorite?
Person 2: Definitely Elder Ho-tan. I love her so much and would marry her if I could but I can't because she doesn't exist and I'm just sad and gay and keep watching yonderland this is a cry for help
Person 1: -geez ok
by Pigeonsgobrrrrr November 15, 2021
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