That guy who you struggle to relate to. He is still a good person but you barely have anything in common with them. Eg you like modern music, he likes grunge era rock. You like your iPhone 13 PRO MAX, he has Galaxy Z Flip 3, you use Spotify he uses frankensteined iPod from 2004. You have lambo he has car that he found in an abandoned junkyard. Edward Turnbulls have the ability to ruin any song by singing the lyrics to it, so if you are friends with one you MUST have insurance on your windows, despite all of this Edward Turnbulls are generally great people.
Person 1 "Why don't you just use Spotify"
Person 2 "I'm an Edward Turnbull I like my iPod Mini"
by Glyndward October 19, 2021
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A total lad.
Edward Turnbull may not look the best but he is a great person. A trait Edward Turnbulls will have is a love of old houses, old and new technology, and many other old things for some reason? We may never know. Edward Turnbulls are introverts but will happily talk with people. They also have a way with women. Edward Turnbulls have a lot of interest in music and wll happily crank 90s grunge when other people aren't around or when people are. Overall Edward Turnbulls are great people and you should be greatful that there is one in your life.
Person 1: He loves 90s music for some weird reason.
Person 2: Crikey he's and Edward Turnbull!
by GlyndwardColto September 6, 2021
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