Douche -- Someone being a douchebag
Tron -- Someone who has no feelings, heartless, repetitive.

Douchetron -- Someone who is an insensitive, perpetual, asshole, piece of shit, waste of life, robotic jerk off, liar, manipulator, keeps you waiting up late at nights, is always bailing, repeatedly lets you down, and plays the nice guy act even though he is FAR from it.

One who sucks at ALL aspects of life.
Girl: So are you coming over?
Boy: Yes i am.
( 6 hours later )
Girl: Are you coming still
Boy: No
Girl: WTH?
Boy: My phone is dying.
by kozzykozkoz December 29, 2011
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DoucheTron 5000 is the robot version of Trump. It is programmed to only lie and fraudulently cheat and alienate all who have the misfortune to cross its path. It automatically grabs any woman's pussy within reach. DoucheTron 5000 also takes massive dumps like its "human" counterpart. Its main weakness is its fragile ego software.
DoucheTron 5000 had a meltdown today when confronted with irrefutable facts and logic.
by EightBall July 23, 2018
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