1. a defensive tactic used by Brett Kavanagh in his U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearings
2. by liking beer, and asking people do they also like beer, rapport and shielding of facts and lies can be successful
A: Did you commit the crime and then lie about it?
B: I like beer, do you like beer?
by tdcfox23 October 6, 2018
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When you take a spoonful of coffee grounds and then chug a beer. Great way to start your day before hitting the slopes.
Are you boys ready for another Beer-DO?! (that's rhetorical, you can never say no to a Beer-DO
by cyclonejonny March 16, 2023
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Drinking a lot of beer with the guys; Drinking as an activity.
Doing beers - “What’s good Brad, tryna do some beers when we get back to the apartment?”
by Bludgeoned April 7, 2022
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