Very big cock very cool very funny has tons of big booty bitches
Person 1: "I like Doeke"
Person 2: "Who doesn't"
by Cooldude05 June 29, 2021
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Enthusiastic person sadly lacking comprehension of everyday life. In a life scarred by misfortune he finds the will to continue without losing his good cheer.
That bitch totally dumped him, but he sure is Doeke about it!

Man, I don't know, I'm lacking me some Doeke today.
by Niaaaak February 5, 2010
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1. A disgusting person lacking in intelligence
2. All around horid person; a waste of carbon
Paul is such a doek, I can't stand being around him.

Haha, look at that doek!
by Sunshine March 10, 2005
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