To snort crack out of a girls vagina.
"Man, did you see Nate do that Dobey?"
by Nate_Wang April 9, 2012
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A person who informs you a situation happened, but will not go into detail due to fear of losing their job and frequently states “it’s an ongoing investigation”. Also hates anyone of darker complexion than himself.

Intentionally trains new dispatchers to be shitty to make theirselves look better.
Guy: Hey, what happened with that case you told us about earlier?
Dispatcher: Can’t talk about it. It’s under investigation.

Guy:Quit being a Confidential DOBEY!
by Gabatronix December 23, 2020
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Fred: Lets go to the club tonight

John: And we can schobey-dobey like scooby-dobey all night....maaaaaaaaaan.
by Yumey July 6, 2008
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