A Dirty Kati involves one male being on the receiving end of a line of males who take turns engaging in anal sex with the first male. Once everyone has made a deposit into the Bank of Savings & Rectum, one "lucky" guy, usually celebrating his birthday, inserts a PVC pipe into the recipient’s rectum and uses it to, um, make a withdrawal.
Um..... It speaks for itself. Dirty Kati for everyone!
by Gagolab April 1, 2020
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Having sex with someone after winning Uno, and proceeding to fuck them violently
After winning Uno for the millionth time, Katie gave Sam the hardest Dirty Katie she ever could.
by Sam Fuckanun November 25, 2007
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Someone who shags there partners parents
Yh she did the dirty Katie to my dad
by Tosh2003 October 8, 2020
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The drippings of alcohol that are left after butt chugging a beer!
Bryant got wasted from that Dirty Katy
by Howdoesatrexmasturbate May 30, 2019
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having a wank whilst eating genuine caviar in a rolls royce but you have to be wearing a shrek themed thong for it to count
mate they’re having a BRILLIANT dirty katie rn
by michaelangalo July 4, 2023
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