Dirty Emilie is having anal intercourse in such close proximity to your bestfriends sleeping arrangements that they cannot avoid hearing and subsequently masturbating to the act.
can you stop what you doing last night you have me Dirty Emilie
by BigDigDave April 16, 2020
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When you fuck someone and then throw them off a bridge after suggesting watching Harry Potter again.
If I have to watch that wizard again, I'm pulling a Dirty Emily
by Tswill June 11, 2020
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When you pour coke in a partners ass hole, drop a mento in the ass hole after you pour the coke, and cover it up with your hand and let it explode inside their anus.
Person 1: I’m bored of the old sex moves.

Person 2: Try doing a dirty Emily.
by Narwhal humper 420 June 11, 2020
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A goth baddie who smokes a lot and is hella chill. Also shares great memes
by Cookiehead April 8, 2020
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when a girl uses her metal bits on charlotte
wow, she’s pulling a right dirty emily on her ! the kinky slut
by mirrie October 15, 2020
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When a man named Greg fucks a fuck so hard it shits all over a public bench, you find the bench and consume the pastey liquid and then cum all over the duck.
“Oh yea I seen a guy do a dirty Emily in a mall yesterday” “woah,that’s crazy man
by Mymomsanalcoholicslut December 10, 2021
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When you lick a woman's pussy and she squishes you head in between her legs!!
by leoopro September 10, 2021
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