A sad pirate song, played during times of extreme lamentation.
The sad, sad Pirate played a dirge on his concertina.
by Jay Griffin June 23, 2005
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expression: used to display fustration with incompetent people or situations.
I broke up with her and now youve invited her to the party, we were friends before her. Dirg.
by Night Tower December 22, 2008
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a long, drawn out, soul draining noise
the chapel organist played his all too familiar dirge to welcome us to our dutiful prayer
by cobbler April 1, 2004
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Another term to mean the same as rubbish.
"What did you think of the new album?"
"I thought it was utter dirge to be honest!"
by adamsalem2k August 29, 2006
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What the Seattle residents call grunge.
As most know it as " the seattle sound" or " the rocky sound"
Uh heh huh heh huh hueh hey beavis, Grunge is overated... uh Dirge it is , dill-hole.. uh huh huh
by Cliff A. June 28, 2005
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One of the great comic book writers of today. Best known for Lenore. One of Slave Labor's finest.
Roman Dirge - cool beans.
by Boochies August 27, 2003
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