elongated nipples that hang or protrude more than the average nipple.
One example can be seen a the first locker room scene of the porno "Debbie Does Dallas," on the cheerleader who is screwing the coach.
by thebunnyhorse December 1, 2004
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An insult you call someone after they either cockblocked you or did something else swxually frustrating.
by Crapfeces November 28, 2022
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A huge, thick nipple, usually longer than 1 inch in length.
Are you sure you can fit her huge DICK NIPPLES in your mouth?
by lew July 30, 2004
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An over sized nipple that is elongated and looks like a penis!
Hey Baby You Wanna Have Some Fun Tonight?
OOOOO Yeah, Get Your Dick Nipples Out
No Way I Ain't Shitting Through Them Again!
by Lars Bolshitz November 26, 2007
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Another way to describe genital warts on your penis.
"Why no baby those aint warts, thems my dick nipples!"
by Farding Blood November 18, 2009
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A term best discussed at the "chinie" buffet. This condition is known for the nipples to be completly replaced by shlongs. Only one person is known to have this condition, he is currently living a quiet life in Ottawa, Ontario. He is only known as Eric, and in his case one dick nipple is black while the other is mexicano.
"Eric..! Calm down! Your dick nipples are showing!"
He replies, "F#$% you guys.."
by Dustin117 October 30, 2006
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A bump on the head of your penis that is considered a nipple, they can grow to be very big.
Charles: dude, I think something's wrong...

Brandon: what is it?

Charles: I am growing something on my dick...

Brandon: ewwww

Charles: should I go to the doctor?

Brandon: yes!

Charles: I think I have a huge dick nipple!
by IAmDillChicken April 6, 2016
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