Dick Bug - Otherwise known as a Cockroach. Its just the scientists didn't like it.
eww theres a dick bug in my room!
by SweetOnionSauce September 9, 2020
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One who's penis resembles that of a needle and is used to engage in intercouse with insects capable of receiving such small genitalia
by R. Trombone March 31, 2003
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A guy who thinks his dick is huge, but after investingating, his dick is realy no bigger than a pin. (needle)
Such a small dick, that he could only fuck a bug(cockroach), and still get his rocks off. Poor bug would say: (Hey you got a realy small dick. (Needle dick bug fucker)
by alikatt333 January 8, 2009
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a moniker referring to an individual with a penis so small and thin it can only be used to procreate with insects. After long term "bug fucking", the individual begins to prefer it to attempting regular sex
Did you hear Stacy hooked up with Brad? No way, that guy's a needle dick bug fucker
by Chamber6 May 28, 2020
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The sad, but oh so real, phenomena in which your penis is so small the only enjoyment you will ever receive from it will be from screwing bugs.
Girl 1: Do you think I should date Aaron?

Girl 2: Don't bother; he is a pencil dick bug fucker.
by Shmoobs July 17, 2011
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Someone who excels in levels of faggotry
Sam Chiu is a bug dick
by Bug dick official February 1, 2017
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A guy who' dick is so small . And his game so small . He is only talking shit when he refurres to woman he'd like to nail. He aint nailling nobody the Tweedle dick the bug fucker. A guy who dreams up wild dreams of banging good lookig chicks. And who also has a small weeny.
OH guys and Im gonna invite becky to my birthday party and she gonna come ,and she's gona sit with me ,and she's gonna wanna go out with me and she's gonna bring me a present. oh shut the fuck mikey you aint fucking nobody you Tweedle dick the bug fucker. stop dreaming shit up . She dont like you . You dweeb. You fucking geek.
by Rutterkid August 3, 2010
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