look at that dickhead trying to get Yashvi
Oh no that's just Dev
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A person that no one likes and he has no friends. Even his mum and Dad want to disown him. He’s good friends with M Heavens though. He has a ummm interesting trim to say the least. And gets fucked over by ginger pussies in English.
“Do u have a man bun” said ginger pussy

“Yup” said gay shit

“Hahahah u r gay and you are a dev. But I like ur trim tho” said ginger pussy

“Really” said gay shit

“No I was joking cunt” said ginger pussy
by Boiithisisthetruthrighther January 31, 2018
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The act of putting your friends down to impress the opposite sex
by Jamalamy February 25, 2013
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God's mind. A place where humans only appear to have free will but in fact do not. A place where every human action is predetermined as if we are on "tram tracks".

From the FX miniseries Devs written by Alex Garland, "Devs" is an alternate spelling of "Deus" using the Latin "v" as "u", meaning God.
I'm telling you man, this place is Devs! Free will is only an illusion.

At first I thought everything was a coincidence or a result of random probability, but now I'm starting to think we're living in Devs.
by The Gideon Lion August 10, 2020
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(1) Software developers, mostly referenced to on MMORPG gaming boards.
(2) A word usually preceded by an expletive or cursing.

(1) "The devs put out a new publish and now I can't walk forwards anymore"
(2) "&$#@!% YOU DEVS!!!"
by SinMaster June 3, 2005
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Shortened version of Devastated.
NOT Devastation or Devastate. Just Devastated.
Guy 1: "I can't come to the party tonight..."
Guy 2: "Absolutely devs."
Guy 1: "I know, I can't afford it, sorry."
Guy 2: "Devs."
by DEVSMLB May 11, 2011
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