A man who rises from the ghetto a strong ruthless feared man from the streets of Detroit Michigan. He's a ladies man with an athletic build that drops the panties wherever he goes. The woman line up just to be able to hope he looks in there direction and spots the, one look from this man and the flow of womanly juices spew all over. He is a king of kings a warrior not to be messed with. Cross him and the Gunz come a blazing. A heart of gold and respect is earned not given. Once you have his trust sont lose it ,as you'll never get it back. If your lucky enough to be in the same room as him , knee to him and thanks him for his presence as you are with a GOD!
You see that in the sky its Detroitgunz , it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!

How come Detroitgunz gets all the ladies?

I wish I had a heart like Detroitgunz hes a true man!

If I could only be as strong as Detroitgunz I could Conquer the world!
by DETROITGUNZ the original meat November 23, 2021
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