Deshhy,meaning Dezzy, short for Destiy, is a name of a super funny, NOT boring, sexy-as-hell girl. She may be single or in a relationship, you can never be sure. She's one of the best person you could ever hope to meet in your life. She enjoys adventure time/ regular show, tosh.0 at times, and eating (usually from millers). She might not know the name of her town but that's only because she's too busy living life! YOLO Dezzy is just straight up a cutie who corrects others on their spelling. She uses her phone a lot, and gets on KIK to talk to others.(Mainly named Eric) One day I hope to meet this Dezzy, she is so amazing and adoable!!
1.) Deshhy got her subway sandwich stolen by a bird.

2.) Deshhy I think I love you ;)
by EVIK April 29, 2012
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