Entertainment created by participating and capturing on video dangerous or foolish displays that a typical sane person wouldn't attempt, usually with the intent of impressing someone, satisfying the terms of a dare, or making a great deal of money when people are sick enough to fork it over to watch such things.
The shows Jackass and Wildboyz come to mind, along with associated feature length incarnations. To fully appreciate such, you have to be able to strongly disassociate yourself from empathy for another human being...or think about how much money these people are making off of bored people at the box office.

Guy 1: "Dude, you totally need to watch Jackass 3D! There's this part where they bungee a guy in a loaded port-o-potty from a crane and video the inside with him screaming as it gets all in his-"

Me: "Ugh! Stop! That's making me sick just thinking about it! I'm not even Redboxing that Dementertainment!"
by jshoefle July 17, 2011
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