Additionally, being a deist, such as myself, one can believe that a higher power created the universe and that is all. The guy that posted something about how a higher power wouldn't have any dealings with humans was on the right track.
A deist is as close as you can get to athiesm and not be an athiest.
by Jason Jason June 7, 2005
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this word is used when pointing something of interest out to someone else who has previously not seen said item. Usually uttered in a mocking or suprised tone
"Deist the uglinesss on him lads"
"deist your one over there shes fine!!"
by gav March 30, 2005
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A person who believes in conspiracy theories but doesn't think they matter.
Jim is a conspiracy deist, he knows 9/11 was an inside job and doesn't care!
by Hivs July 29, 2012
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