An emotion you feel when someone's fanvgular bulb vibrates, Degrence is a mixture of discomfort and anger.
My friend's fanvgular bulb was vibrating like crazy the other day! it made me full of degrence, I almost threw up!
by Scüütch March 13, 2021
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An advanced, non-human emotional state typically correlated with relaxation and blissful ignorance. Thalasin, an off-the-counter selective neuronic serotonin reuptake inhibitor, is publicly known for re-initiating emotional responses like happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and relief, to combat Advanced Emotional Deterioration (AED). Degrence is usually seen as a result of ingesting one or more tablets of Thalasin+, which has been advertised to cause experiences beyond previous natural capabilities. Individuals usually show signs of degrence after 10-15 minutes of ingestion, followed by unexplainable gutteral sounds seemingly resonating from the inner intestine and vocal chords. Side effects of degrence include animals such as dogs, cats, or any domestic animal capable of hearing beyond human frequencies, reacting sporadically and sometimes even violently to these sounds. The individual who consumed a Thalasin+ tablet may show signs of unresponsiveness and slowed breathing. Individuals may even claim to have grown a third or fourth lung within an hour of ingestion. The individual's face will also contort to an unusual form, showing a pressed mouth, scrunched nose, and relieved closed eyes.
I never thought I would need so much degrence in my life. But thanks to Thalasin+, I can feel all sorts of Eldritch emotions not even perceivable to the human consciousness!
by HumanusAustralis October 30, 2023
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