Synonym for "Fuck" used to conceal vulgarity in presence of children, etc.
(After stubbing toe, etc) "Argh! F.. (Notices children in vicinity) F... Fiddle Dee Dee!
by Dam Helder October 18, 2007
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An English-origin remark/exclamation used as a response to an otherwise pathetic or unfunny comment. Currently experiencing a resurgence of popularity in Australia's east coast.
Matthew: "my nam jeff, where we droppin bois."
Mark: "Lit Dee Dee, fucken retard"
by applecupman May 10, 2018
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Plotting something evil to do to someone else.
Jeremy is saying dee dee dow very quietly while plotting to 'accidentally' spill white out on Nic's work.
by Dawei January 24, 2007
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A phrase to describe someone who isn't very bright, ditsy, kind of like a dumb blonde but it can be anyone. Also can be used to describe what someone said as being stupid or idiotic.
Karen: If you're from Africa, how come you're white?
What Cady is thinking: Deet dee dee...

"That Karen is such a deet dee dee."
by let'sdothis March 7, 2007
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Eccentric lesbian who is vegan, but also eats meat, says she has no heart, but cries at Pixar movies.
No, Aunty Dee Dee, we don’t want your cardboard muffins!
by Samwitch August 19, 2020
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Derived from the word Dee Dee Dee; meaning stupid!
Melissa is a Dee Dee Head!
by ngkhatu April 20, 2008
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The use of a mental disability to get off easy or cover your ass when things get hairy. Coined from Carlos Mencia's use of "dee dee dee" to refer to retarded people. Also known as the "tard defense" or "idiot immunity". The catch is you have to be smart enough to figure it out.
I'm able to be 10 minutes late for nearly all my classes because I can use my autism as a dee-dee-deefense. Works every time.
by Zeph. April 27, 2006
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