DatOldSlime is the son of the great mythical legend DatOldNoob. DatOldSlime created the epic series "Minecraft V Barack Obama and French Joe Biden" exclusively on Odeon cinemas.
Faleep: Have you seen "Minecraft V Barack Obama and French Joe Biden" by DatOldSlime?
David: No. Cinemas are closed cus like Covid init
Faleep: Oh yeahhhh
by LittleManTyrone January 22, 2021
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DatOldSlim is a charcter who seems like DatOldNoob but isn't. DatOldSlim was formed when DatOldSlime went to minecraft bedrock edition for Nintendo switch. The name changed due to lack of charter allowed in names on the Switch. He also has an exclusive minecraft series on the Wii-U named "Minecraft V Bed Offender".
Jarold: DatOldSlim's new film is kinda fire
Random Stranger: Better than endgame
by LittleManTyrone January 22, 2021
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