Some little weird historical footnote. If you're looking it up on Urban Dictionary you're pretty cool.
You're some Free City of Danzig kid
by Otto of Lombard December 1, 2021
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An anti-war, pacifist slogan created by French Socialist Marcel Déat, to deter France from going to war against Germany to defend Poland during WW2. Marcel Déat eventually became a Collaborator during the occupation of France by The Third Reich.

The quote is commonly used today to indicate someone collaborating with an autocratic regime that has plans/is already invading other countries.

It is also used to signify someone that shows pacifist tendencies, opinions, or behaviors by asking a country to give concessions (usually territorial) during a defensive war.
Elon Musk: I think Crimea should be officially given to Russia to maintain peace in the region
Western European: Okay Mr. "Why Die For Danzig"
by hakase-hakase October 4, 2022
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1. Used to describe a guy who affectionately approaches and touches women at parties then serenades to apologize.

2. Danziger. A Danziger is often the corniest guy in the pregame. However yo’ girl might find herself successfully seduced with her panties off.
Ugh I love going out but I hate getting Danzigered so I might be taking a break.”
by tennesseetitanslover May 28, 2024
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He’s so cool and rad, just a total awesome guy to be around. He’s super funny and the life of the party. I love that guy.
Kaden Danzig Cody
by 42069BIGBALLS January 20, 2023
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