When a father knows to make sure everything is okay with his daughter.
*hangs up phone*
friend: who was that?
me: oh my dad, he said his dadar was going off after he heard about the break up.
by xXmissmonsterXx October 26, 2010
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J12 Julnar, smelly man who is around 4'10. Has a hit list containing the names of his future lovers. I love Aditi, Agni, Ardhanarishvara, Ayyappan, Balarama, Brahma, Brihaspati, Chandi, Durga, Ganesha, Harihara, Hanuman, Indra, Jagannatha, Kali, Kalkin, Krishna, Kubera, Kurma, Lakshmi, Lokapāla, Matsya, Mitra, Narasimha, Nataraja, Parashurama, Parvati, Prajapati, Rama, Saptamatrika, Sarasvati, Shashthi, Shiva, Skanda, Surya, Trimurti, Vamana, Varaha, Varuna, Vasudeva, Vishnu, Vishvakarman, Yama and thats on Guenther Steiner's life.
I could smell fish curry in my kitchen, so I opened the door only to see Dadar Singh getting sturdy.
by WakandaPanda69 July 25, 2022
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