John doe-I DWYS, you cause way to much drama for people! Keep all your abatobiton's. };.>
DWYS also will let john doe understand that, the better man has already won, not by default. By natural common sense, honesty, showmanship, and all around being better person to people than you. Keep popularity and your eventual suicide note when it finnaly hits you lost it/her along time ago when you did the wrong thing. I'd code this but, people should know that naves like you exist. Even though your going to ctl,al,dle, with you phony web site.
by soorydudehavebetterthingstodo October 28, 2009
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Abbreviation for Done with you... Meaning that one is tired of putting up with someone's crap
Your ugly

And I'm dwy
by ThatGirlWhoDoesn'tBelong April 23, 2015
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