The act of getting f!ngered in the motion of spinning discs , hence Dj.
Hey man did you spin a few tracks ?

Ye it was a quick D.J.
by Kinkyklub September 5, 2020
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Rapper. Born from the rural areas of New York. Famously know for the song “Slosh Walk” and grew to fame in 2018. Known for getting the cops pissed off. He refers to police as twelve and states “F*%# 12”. Has been to jail and came out even stronger than before. Also known for the beef between him and Ney York born rapper, Centient. Listen to D.J. Slosh on Spotify.
Man 1: “ Yo u hear D.J. Sloshes new song? Purdy’s grave”
Man 2: “Yeah he completely destroyed purdy
by niggleto February 15, 2019
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