

Attributed to people whose appearance and/or gestures are flamboyant, effeminate, and suggestive of them being in the gay order.

Not to be confused with disc jockeys (dj's), derek jeter, or wanker dj's.

Inspired by the film "Bruno".
"Hey Tobi, you're such a D.J. because you wear you're bag like a purse so flamboyantly".

"Oh hey, thanks for that compliment."
by djwanker August 20, 2013
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Person which play's music in discos, clubs, partys, and making party atmosphere taling on the mike and mixing music.
by Aljaz November 13, 2003
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A Dingo Jockey or Dingo Junky:
The nickname often given to women who attract Dingos, usually involuntarily.
--I asked if he wanted to go hang out, now he thinks we're dating!

--Way to go D.J.
by Gidgetsflow.com June 7, 2010
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a guy with a short dick that j/o daily.like dick job
the d.j. was happy
by alpaca400 July 22, 2010
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1. A musical artist who creates sound by combining existing songs.
2. The instrument of which the above definition plays.
3. A organization founded by a duo of people who each had the initials D and J for the first letter of their first name and shared similar interests. Term of greeting amongst members is to wave hands in the hand as though spinning a disc, then pulling hands back to span both hands over either shoulder, before shouting 'D.J' as loud as possible.

Jon: Hey Dani
Dani: Hey Jon
Jon and Dani: DJ!
by Melonkiller June 22, 2009
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An acronym that stands for "Dick Jocky". Which basically means someone that rides dicks as if they were riding a horse.
Whats crakin D.J.? You seem to be a latent homosexual. Why do you always stare at that handsome looking man standing over there?
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