Cunch means countryside, a place where drug dealers usually go to sell class A drugs away from the police and public.
AJ: Yo kev i might go cunch to sell some food
Kev: Yeah yeah i'll come too
by sexaiboi January 2, 2018
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Means country but it is used by the youth to denote a far away area in order to sell drugs.
Lost youth: Yo I went cunch last week and I made bare p fam ya get me my brudda!!!

Another lost youth: Rah fam I beg you take me cunch with you next time.
by Nomadic Warrior July 22, 2017
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Hey, What cunch are you from?

In my home cunch we do a certain action.
by HarrisonS August 29, 2010
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Combination of the word punch and cunt. Cunch is a deep, penetrating punch to the cunt.
by Cunch April 8, 2004
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A combination of Hunch and Cunt. An intuitive feeling or premonition that someone is a Cunt.
Did you meet the new guy in accounts?

Yeah I've got a Cunch about him.
by SunnyGrass December 8, 2010
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When a woman is a total bitch and needs to be cunched.
by Amy Gillespie January 2, 2009
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A Cunch is a piece of clothing that combines a poncho, and bottoms; usually pants rather than shorts. A Cunch can be made in male, and female shapes and colours, and is a new fashion statement of 2010.
by xLumpy 69x October 7, 2010
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