A spicy definition attempting to describe the extent to which cultures have influenced each other. Conjured by Gigguk during the 23rd Trash Taste podcast with Mori Calliope as a guest.
I was wondering like, how many cultural cross-pollination there is.
by Skelebruh November 13, 2020
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The way and extent that cultures influence each other. Gained some notoriety on the internet when used by Garnt on episode 23 of the Trash Taste podcast. Note that he didn't invent the term.
There has been some cultural cross-pollination between Japanese anime and western cartoons when it comes to visual styles.
by Ehmno November 15, 2020
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Gahnt's Power Move. 100% effective on Connor.
"I was wondering how much Cultural Cross-Pollination is between HololiveEN and HololiveJP
by TrashTasteSimp November 14, 2020
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