people who define their girlfriend/boyfriends names in order to get some
I'm hoping janie will sleep with me because I defined her name on urbandictionary
by noflyway99 April 24, 2005
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any online interchat regular who uses the nickname FroBanger in order to harass poor unsuspecting chatlings for naked pictures, only to later show them to the entire chatsite and brag about obtaining them. as if this is some sort of feat that only a cool person could do...

also see Super Fag.
by WinkBinkleman December 31, 2004
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A strong form of Maryjuana. Chronic.
I smoked some good creepy last night.
by martha March 25, 2004
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Not being able to leave you or your significant other alone; asks you for a kiss in front of your boyfriend. Also, when someone stares or looks at you out of the corner of their eyes when thy think you aren't looking.
Creepy Tom asked me for a kiss while my boyfriend was 5 feet away!
by Laraine&Mackey September 26, 2007
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any man who willingly gets semi-naked and wrestles with other sweaty men.
It's really creepy how Leonidas keeps asking me to wrestle with him at the beach.
by sweatymanwrestlerleonidas February 2, 2011
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To make the grabbing position with your hands (fingers sticking out) and sensually rub some object, body part, etc...
I want to creepy my girlfriends breast.
by Andy The Enforcer March 3, 2007
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