Cool math games is a flash game website whose clever URL makes the site immune to virtually every school's URL filter, and thus unblocked. Contrary to what most kids might believe, Cool math games is not a recent thing, it has been around since 1997. For the past 22 years, this site has provided both Millennials and Gen Z an escape from the boredom reality of school.

Some cool facts about coolmathgames:

1) The website is older than most of its users
2) Coolmathgames was listed as one of the 50 most important websites
3) They originally had a slogan, which was "where logic & thinking meets fun & games". It's a very clever slogan as technically all games require you to think.
4) During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, Coolmathgames saw a drastic increase in popularity
When the teacher left for a quick pp break, all the third graders in the computer lab starting playing games on cool math games
by Obv troll is obvious March 8, 2021
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A website where you can play the littiest game ever awesome tanks 2
Ayoo i finished my project wanna 1v1 me on cool math games
by jewslayer42069 March 12, 2019
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A fun game that has no math in it whatsoever. You can play it when your teachers says "Play something educational." That's your cue to play Cool Math Games.
"You may now play an educational game like Cool Math Games, or another educational game."
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A website that (usually bored students) used to play free games. It is also the death of schools and teachers.
"Bro, I just finished grinding this game on cool math games; I completely missed whatever Mrs. Williams just said."
"I think it was something about decomposers. I was playing Cool Math too."
by Kingdoms of Fear Project March 8, 2022
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