1.) a seemingly simple online game where the player clicks a cookie repeatedly, and can use the cookies made form clicking to "buy" other methods of making more cookies

2.) the fifth circle of hell
"Have you played the cookie clicker game yet?"

"Yeah. I quit when satan starting possessing the background."
by don't touch me August 18, 2013
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a game that is a waist of your life but you do it any way
cookie clicker
by hecken beken September 30, 2019
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A game that consists of a cookie that must be clicked repeatedly to make more cookies. It gives you the illusion that you are making cookies, but you are really not. Tumblr seems to be obsessed with it (around August 2013)
Tumblr user 1: OMG have you played cookie clicker yet, it ruined my life!
Tumblr user 2: What no but I'll check it out
Tumblr user 2 after playing Cookie Clicker: OMFG I CAN'T STOP CLICKING THIS COOKIE
by Terrilyn Debbs August 17, 2013
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Man 1: Ayo, have you played cookie clicker?
Man 2: Yes, it's a nice game
by Doge is big pogger March 8, 2021
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A fucking addictive game where you must to bake cookies for get things that make you bake more cookies...
A very good capitalist economic game.
Since I play at Cookie Clicker, I became crazy !
by Oiseau Moqueur June 6, 2018
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N. When your butt hurts from playing Cookie Clicker for too long and you can't get up.
by ThatCactus June 3, 2019
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That shitty 2014 game that took the world by shitstorm
You remember Cookie Clicker? You mean that shitty clicker game?
by fuckit12 January 21, 2021
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