What? French word? My balls!
This expression is taken from Spanish, is the second person singular present tense of the Spanish verb "comprender".
It is mostly used in questions, meaning "do you understand?" "do you get it?"
-Spanish is the second most spoken language in the US, so how can one jerk come and say this word is from French!
by Holden Caulfield April 16, 2005
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Used in a slightly demenaing manner inquiring a person's understanding of a subject. French word meaning to understand, in the "Vous" conjucation of comprender.
by Chris April 7, 2004
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What? French word? My balls!
This expression is taken from Spanish, is the third person singular present tense of the verb "comprender".
It's used mostly in questions, meaning "do you understand?", "get it?"
-Spanish is the second language most spoken in the US, and Gringos are stupids when it comes to learn another language, "comprendez"?
by Holden Caulfield March 19, 2005
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Comprendez is a Spanish word, for "Understand?"

Comprenez is the French equivalent, for comprendez.

Also, the English language is made up of around 30% French words, and barely any Spanish words, a little more if you add Taco Bell words.
Spanish: I don't want that item, comprendez?

French: Spanish sucks, don't ever speak it near me, comprenez?
by Tory_237 June 16, 2009
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