1. When your jaw hurts from sucking too much dick.
Joy had cockjaw from sucking too much dick.
by sketchydivey May 24, 2006
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someone who's jaw has metamorphisized into a perfect receptacle of semen from cock being stuffed in the mouth all day.
Janet Jackson is/has a cockjaw.
by inanimous August 16, 2007
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when after speaking, the speaker leaves their mouth open as if there were a cock in their mouth or they have lockjaw
Stepanie from Chi Omega Delta has such bad cockjaw.
by PetyrLora January 15, 2009
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Simlar to lock jaw it occurs from women sucking way to much penis area parts (shaft and or balls),
by The Doctor1991 August 2, 2010
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When a girl gets lockjaw from a particularly large cock being in her mouth
Sam: dude, whys she keep making that face at me.

Josh: you didn't hear. Her boyfriend gave her cockjaw last night
by Connman88 January 2, 2014
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When a person gets a lockjaw while sucking on a cock.
My girlfriend got cockjaw last night while she was performing oral sex on me.
by Strudel37 March 1, 2020
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