A silly, but inoffensive moniker for a friend or acquaintance. Often used when the friend has suddenly realized something you’ve tried to explain for a minute now.
Friend: “So, you’re saying I’m better off without her?”

You: “Welcome to the conversation, Cocheese!”
by Cocheese Man June 22, 2023
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The caricature police detective in the sabotage video by the beastie boys

basically an idiot on a platform
You're a lawyer, and you're not good at it, did i not say I'd show you how the law works ?

by iklara April 5, 2017
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The leftover shit on your ass because you don't know how to clean yourself
That bitch wanted me to go down on her, but she had a crusty cocheese topping in her crack
by You're no daisy July 21, 2014
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a adjective to describe anything
by Angelo muniz February 6, 2020
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