A tactic surmised by angry girlfriends that consists of making the player feel guilty about playing call of duty instead of spending quality time with each other.
Steve: Dude I wanted to get three more rounds of COD in, but my girlfriend was just sitting next to me looking pissed. I couldn't take the guilt so I just quit and took her to the mall.

Mike: Sounds like a COD block to me.
by Athletic Prowess December 5, 2009
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When your wife or girlfriend wants you to spend time with her
instead of playing Call of Duty.
Sorry, I can't play with you guys tonight. My wife is Cod Blocking me again.
by Ron27 September 3, 2010
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In reference to blocking your cock via COD. When you realize a booty call text an hour late because you were playing Call of Duty.
I looked at my phone and got a text from Adeile wanting me to come over. Black Ops totally cod blocked me.
by Dudememyomen April 14, 2011
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when somebody walks in front of the screen while you are playing some hardcore call-of-duty
mom look out you're cod-blocking
by jammer18 February 6, 2011
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The act of preventing people, usually male, from playing Call of Duty, otherwise known as C.O.D. Females are the most typical COD Blockers.
"Jessica, why can't you just leave? You're being such a COD Block."

"I really wanted to play some COD with you last night, man, but she was being such a COD Block."
by CODLuvr November 30, 2009
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Similar to cockblocked.

If you were cod-blocked or codblocked, something completly unimportant or pointless was keepeing you from playing COD (Call of Duty). Or something happens that eliminates your chances of a great accomplishment.
See cockblocked
Guy 1: "Why do you look so sad?"
Guy 2: "Man I got cod-blocked yesterday! I was one kill from a nuke when the power went out!"

"Man I got codblocked yesterday"
"Girlfreind stole the game and hid it so I'd spend more time with her"
by icanhazafunny February 25, 2010
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when something or someone prevents you or stops you from playing any Call of Duty game.
"Hey how come you got off live last night so early?"
"My dad COD blocked me."
by mw3fanatic November 14, 2011
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