v. (chiefly in football) Knock down (a runner) by placing one's outstretched arm in the runner's path at neck level. may knock you out

n. A rope or wire on which washed clothes are hung to dry

Note: Closelining can also be spelled "Clotheslining"
Yo, if you don't want to remember where you are, play with Eric; that kid's always closelining.
by WordsRCool December 7, 2011
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Closeline laughing occurs when you start laughing hysterically in a high pitched tone and then randomly dropping a couple octaves (think squirrel laugh to lumberjack laugh in a matter of seconds!). The promiscuous lady, from The Notebook, does this after watching street lights change, like the adventurous southern girl she is.
Jane ran merrily along giggling, until she ran into a low tree branch, causing her to closeline laugh and lose all her friends for sounding like a dike.
by HappyF$&!ingGilmore September 1, 2012
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