A hyper fun loving person. Easy to get along with for short peroids of time if not easily tired out. Claudeja's are usually easy tired out and can get bored when left out of a conversation for too long.

As opposed to the name's actual meaning, Claudia's are so not lame, at all, whatsoever.

If you ever meet a Claudia, you won't regret it. Claudia's are the most amazing people in the world.

They are beautiful, but sometimes they won't realize it. You just have to let them know. They have beautiful hair, eyes, a beautiful smile, and the perfect shape. They tend to think they're fat at times though, just let them know that they're not.

They are athletic, really nice and fun to be around. Even if you're just sitting there, it's fun. Whenever you need someone to talk to, Claudia will always be there to listen to you. They're the best trustie that you can have.

Claudia's are always there for you, so they hate betrayal. If you tell them something, make sure you mean it, don't disappoint them.

It's guaranteed that you will fall in love with Claudia, so don't ever let her go.
by JokesToLife December 5, 2011
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