Used like dude, man, G.
Wazzup, chet?
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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Local to Chesterfield VA hillbilly and Nascar fan word for sexual deviance between like minded men (verb) or being a homosexual (noun). Common noun alternatives being fag, polesmoker, faggot, homo, fairy, pansy, queer, poof, gay and queen.

Hey look at that chet over there in the pink tutu!

Wow, look at the size of the dick in that chet's ass!

That skirt looks really chettish on him..

Man, I'm dying for a chet this weekend.

I could give him a good chetting.

by Tosser King October 1, 2007
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Large mass of turd that is shaped in a mound like fashion, often rising above the toilet water before flushing and incapable of being flushed without assistance. Genesis of term is from the movie Weird Science, where Bill Paxton's character is turned into a talking mound of crap.
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! This fucking Chet won't flush.
by Ayj August 2, 2006
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A "Chet" is a very sexy/hot hipster who wears things like cut-offs, flats, Toms, and crocheted berets. He may have tattoos or peircings. Most Chets get lip rings, often have diamond or rose tattoos and they're usually quite lanky. They frequently use phrases such as,"fer sher" and "no worries".

They take frequent coffee breaks from they're part-time jobs at retail stores (ex: shoe store). You would see them in probobly the most random places (ex: metal shows) but NEVER at the mall.
ex:Dayum! A Chet just walked out of the cafe!
by goat lover <3 January 31, 2010
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He is such a chet, the kid in the rainbow shirt!
by Jay February 17, 2004
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see Cheddar
much funner and easier to say . not as much of an insult
by punch December 27, 2005
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