It refers to something that is in disarray, that is askew, or something that is not directly across something.
by corn burgers May 23, 2020
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ADV. Performed in a non-straightforward manner; approached from an unexpected angle; askew; askance.
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a poet and philosopher whose idea of the "Oversoul" may prefigure contemporary astrophysicists' notion that "all matter is is made up of the same elements and energies and governed by the same laws" because the universe proceeds from a Big Bang. "Poets may go at the big truths a little cattywampus, but sometimes they do get to them" (Ted Kooser, _The Poetry Home Repair Manual_, University of Nebraska Press, 2005. 141)
by mecr July 5, 2012
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A wild or domesticated (nobody's quite sure) swamp rat, native to mt mansfield. Most commonly sighted chewing through brittle bars while, chain smoking, on the gondola.
That goddamn cattywampus done chewed through them brittlebars again.
by samdamnit April 6, 2015
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